Friday, December 21, 2007

New Year's Resolution

One top New Year's Resolution for people is to quit smoking. Who hasn't made this resolution and failed? Maybe 2008 should be your year for success.

I have to report - having succeeded at quitting smoking in 2007 - that it was one of the hardest and most painful resolutions I've ever accomplished. I am so thrilled to be free of that monster! I want that for you too.

I'm just saying, with the invention of Chantix in 2007 making it so much easier - maybe you're ready to quit smoking.

One of our quitters, Brandie, says her first day of not smoking will be Christmas Eve. What a wonderful time - she'll be birthing a new self with new habits and new coping strategies.

Call your doctor. Get the prescription. Say good-bye to smoking and hello to freedom from smoking.

This is it for you Phillip Morris. You've tricked teenagers and seduced the young for much too long. It's time we grew up - it's time we took back our lives.

There really is NO good side to smoking. Not a single, solitary benefit.

Quit justifying and just quit. If you haven't done it already - make Jan. 1, 2008 your day of rebirth.


Pete Moss said...

Only holistic approaches work. Before you can heal the outer smoker you must "smoke out" the inner one.

Holistically yours,
Pete Moss

Mz Diva said...

Thank GOD I don't have to add quitting to my list of resolutions (again)! All I have to do is STAY quit which is WAY easier than quitting, in my opinion. I read though most of your blogs and you have some really inspiring stuff here. I am also really insipred to help others who are resolved to quit smoking. People who know me as a full on nicotine ADDICT are starting to ask me how I did it and how Chantix works. Its really cool to be able to actually set a good instead of a bad example for people. I agree with you on Philip Morris and Co. I was sick of being OWNED by them. Thanks for all the great insights through your blogs and page.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

Pete, if you mean whole-istic, as in "we must address why we smoked and what we got out of it and reinvent ourselves from the inside out while we take medication," then great, I agree.

But, if you mean we shouldn't take medication to help us quit I have to disagree. For the simple reason that Chantix WORKED for me and in my view ... smokers should do whatever works. Whatever works.

Need to lock yourself in a closet for 3 months - do it.

Need to take medication or become an exercise freak - do it.

Need to smoke a carton in one day to make yourself sick - do it.

Need to write "I am a quitter, not a smoker" on your arm, the bathroom mirror and your screen saver - do it.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to respond to the previous posts, in that I definitely needed the Chantix to help with the physical aspects of this addiction. Cold turkey is not for me (probably not good for the family either!). Although I have noticed that in the past any slight irritation, annoyance, stress, or sometimes just even happy moments have been "okay, I'll just smoke this one out and it will go away" or "I'll feel better". So really when you quit you are learning to cope differently(for me at least). Without the cigarettes I find I need to frequently breathe and step back for a second, really re-evaluate - because now I can't go hide with that old nasty friend anymore.

So my point is, I think we all really do know why we smoke/smoked, but the process of changing the feelings about smoking, behavior, reactions and your actions is multi-faceted and "whole".

Okay, did that make sense? That's about as "Gestalt" I can get this morning, it's Day 3 no morning smoke and I have foggy-head a little bit... Nancy

nancy said...

Sorry, the above was me,
"Gr8tfulnancy" (or just Nancy). I missed my name, see I really am FOGGY-HEAD!